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Basic Science Day 2011

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Monday, October 10, 2011
7:30 am - 4:30 pm

Basic Science Day 2011 is an all-day event with an all-Duke roster of speakers presenting their research, plus a postdoc poster presentation. Mix, mingle, and meet fellow colleagues in science. Please email or call 919-660-1309 right away so you'll be on the list for a free lunch at Blue Express. This year their will be two keynote speakers: Michael Kastan, M.D., Ph.D., the incoming director of Duke Cancer Institute and Steve Lisberger, Ph.D., incoming chair of the Department of Neurobiology, as well as Charles Gersbach, Ph.D. from Biomedical Engineering. Open to all faculty, postcdocs, and graduate students. Please RSVP! or 660-1305.