Duke Free Store
THIS IS OUR HOUSE! SO, LET'S MAKE IT SUSTAINABLE! Before getting in line for the Duke-UNC rivalry basketball game, stop by the Duke Free Store this Tuesday, February 17th, from 11am to 3pm in the Bryan Center to take a shot at the Recycling Shootout and see what's new at the Free Store! Donations of new and lightly used items are always encouraged, and all donors will have their names entered into a raffle to win a collection of prizes from Duke Recycles and Sustainable Duke that include a mug, tote bag, and set of bamboo utensils. Like the Duke Free Store facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/DukeFreeStore for details and reminders about upcoming events! If you love the Free Store as much as we do and are interested in volunteering, e-mail Aaron Newman at agn9@duke.edu for more information.