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"Work/Life Integration: A Different Approach to Balancing Work and Life" Rhonda Sutton, PhD

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Thursday, June 16, 2016
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Rhonda Sutton, PhD

Most of us have heard the term, "work/life balance", which may lead one to think that doing all we want to do requires some sort of juggling act. Too often we think of "work" and "life" as being competing entities, when in reality, we can get more accomplished if we see how to integrate these two areas. This discussion will focus on how to integrate the varied roles we all have within our lives (eg, researcher, employee, supervisor, spouse, parent, caregiver for elderly family members...) Suggestions for how to think about these roles as a 'both/and' rather than an 'either/or' scenario within our lives will be provided. A values inventory will be shared, as well as guidance on how to set realistic, achievable goals on a day-to-day basis.

Speaker: Rhonda Sutton, PhD LPC, LPCS has over 25 years experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor. Her work centers on helping people to improve their lives and learn how to advocate for themselves. Dr Sutton is the Owner of InnerSights Counseling and Consultation and was the founding Director of the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs at North Carolina State University.

Contact: Molly Starback