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Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP) Request for Proposals

Series of seedlings grow taller. Text: "Climate Research Innovation Seed Program: 2024 Request for Proposals. Research Awards: Up to $100K. Area of Focus: Climate & Community Resilience. Ideation Awards: Up to $20K. Areas of Focus: Energy Transformation, Climate & Community Resilience, Environmental & Climate Justice, Data-Driven Climate Solutions. Duke Faculty, Apply by Feb. 26, 2024. Learn more:" Logos for Duke Climate Commitment, Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
All Day

Accelerating research on sustainable, equitable solutions to address the climate crisis, in keeping with the Duke Climate Commitment.

The Nicholas Institute for Energy, Environment & Sustainability invites all Duke faculty and research staff to submit proposals for the 2024 round of Climate Research Innovation Seed Program (CRISP) grants. CRISP, which advances research aligned with the Duke Climate Commitment, is funded by the Office of Climate and Sustainability.

During the 2024 funding round, Research Awards (up to $100,000) will support projects addressing Climate and Community Resilience, one of the four Duke Climate Commitment areas of focus. Ideation Awards (up to $20,000) will support projects addressing any of the four areas of focus: Energy Transformation, Climate and Community Resilience, Environmental and Climate Justice, and Data-Driven Climate Solutions. The anticipated total of awards during the 2024 funding round is $600,000.

Projects may approach their topics from any disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspective and should aim for tangible, measurable, and durable results.


Download the RFP to get the full details on the 2024 round of CRISP grants, including eligibility and review criteria.

Questions? Contact Tom Cinq-Mars at the Nicholas Institute.


The initial round of CRISP grants in 2023 funded 12 teams of scholars from across 8 Duke schools to investigate wide-ranging topics such as lower-cost, higher-efficiency solar cells; subsidies for energy-saving home renovations; the environmental, health and justice impacts of mining critical raw materials; and pastoral care for climate change. Awards totaling $643,000 included Research Awards (up to $100,000) focused on Energy Transformation and Ideation Awards (up to $20,000) spanning all four Duke Climate Commitment areas of focus.

Contact: Tom Cinq-Mars