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Found 24 events
Flyer for The Ethics of Now with host Adriane Lentz-Smith featuring Rev. Dr. William Barber II, minister, social activist, and professor, on creating a moral fusion movement that unites across division. 7:00pm, Friday, November 8, 2024. Hayti Heritage Center, Durham, NC. Headshots of Adriane Lentz-Smith and Rev. Dr. William Barber II on a bright color block background including Durham facades. Logos of The Regulator Bookshop and the Kenan Institute for Ethics.

The Ethics of Now with Rev. Dr. William Barber II

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Political Theory Workshop: Alexandra Colligs (Kassel)

Sponsor(s): Political Science
Headshot of Viren Murthy; background image of a propaganda poster showing caricatures of individuals attending a round table discussion of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere

Pan-Asianism and the Legacy of the Chinese Revolution

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Duke/UNC Latin American Politics Working Group Book Club

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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Duke/UNC B&I Workshop

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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Political Theory Workshop: Alan Patten (Princeton)

Sponsor(s): Political Science

AGS Field Trip: National World War ll Museum

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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AGS National World War II Museum Field Trip

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11th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Theory

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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Political Theory Workshop: Nazmul Sultan (UBC)

Sponsor(s): Political Science
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Political Theory Workshop: Ines Valdez (Johns Hopkins)

Sponsor(s): Political Science