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Found 3522 events
10/08/2024 X
10/01 - 10/31
Doing good employee campaign Sharing time, talent, treasure

Doing Good Employee Giving Campaign

MS OneNote logo

MS One Note Level 1

Event Image

2024 Duke Global Mental Health Conference

Flu Vaccination Clininc

Flu Vaccination Clinic

Sponsor(s): Human Resources (HR)
Healthy Duke Logo

Mobile Health Assessment

Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
Career Services & Professional Development

Career Coach Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master's Students

Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Mindful Moment Image

Mindful Moment

Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
Reflections tour at the Nasher Museum

Public Reflections Tour

Sponsor(s): Nasher Museum of Art


Sponsor(s): Duke Arts Create
Duke Chapel bell tower

Carillon Weekday Recital

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Graduate and Professional Certificate Information Session. Tuesday, October 8 at 5:30pm. Virtual

Duke I&E Graduate & Professional Certificate Info Session

Sara Castro

Mission to Mao - A Conversation with Sara Castro

Atlanta Networking

Atlanta Networking Night with Duke I&E

Theology Underground

"This Here Flesh:” The Sacred Memory of Toni Morrison

old photo of a boy sitting on a bull; image from The Disobedient One

NCLAFF: Desobediente (The Disobedient One)

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds

Duke Anesthesiology Grand Rounds - "Mister Rogers’ Take On Pediatric Perioperative Disparities"

Duke Dermatology Grand Rounds

Medical dermatology / PG

Event Image

Duke Neurology Grand Rounds

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Academic Advising Center Drop-in Advising

A sea of white tulips in a garden in the foreground and a wooden pergola in the background, with a blue Duke Gardens logo at top.

Forest Bathing Walk

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens
Healthy Duke Logo

Mobile Health Assessment

Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
Event Image

CDVS Workshop: Ethical Data Visualization (Canceled)

Career Services & Professional Development

Career Coach Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master's Students

Event Image

FIP Seminar: THz Photonics and Beyond

LearnIT@Lunch General Flyer Fall 2024

Beyond Algorithms: Bridging Technology and Everyday Needs

Healthy Duke Logo

Mini Mental Makeover

Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
Matthew L. Meyerson, MD, PhD 100924 flyer

RNHD: Lung cancer: genomics and genome-inspired cancer therapeutics

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Communicating w/ Diplomacy & Tact I

Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Event Image

PhD+ Skills-Based Workshop: Commercializing Your PhD: Forming a Start-Up

Le Well logo

Granola with Gagliardi

Duke LIFE: tell your story video production

Join DukeLIFE in Telling Your Story!

Sponsor(s): Duke LIFE Office
Promotional flyer with image of woman

"Making Models Up"

Sponsor(s): Philosophy
text in description

International Student Career Exploration & Job Search Group

Sponsor(s): Career Center
Duke Chapel bell tower

Carillon Weekday Recital

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Thompson Poster

"Chaos and Pathos: Digital Clowns and the future of animated visual storytelling in the age of AI"

Zine making

Zine Making

Sponsor(s): Duke Arts Create
Lew Well  Logo

Zine Making

same text as event.

Discover & Explore: Identifying Skills and Interests for Major and Career Exploration

Sponsor(s): Career Center and Sophomore Spark
Study Away 101

Study Away 101

Graduate Student Composers' Concert

Duke Composers Showcase

Sponsor(s): Music
Large, brightly-color skull sculpture sits in front of an altar

Día de los Muertos Ofrenda

Sponsor(s): Duke Arts and Duke Chapel
Flu Vaccination Clininc

Flu Vaccination Clinic

Sponsor(s): Human Resources (HR)
Cover image of Crip Spacetime book by Margaret Price

Book Talk: Crip Spacetime by Margaret Price

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Postdoc Research Communication Series: The Art of Research Communication

Event Image

Postdoc Research Communication Series: The Art of Research Communication: Session 1: Research Communication Fundamentals

Career Services & Professional Development

Career Coach Drop-In Hours for Engineering Master's Students

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Reduce Your Stress with a Chair Massage

Sponsor(s): Live for Life (LFL)
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DQC Seminar Series: Time-dependent Hamiltonian Simulation: Quantum Algorithm and Superconvergence

Critial Care Grand Rounds

Critical Care Grand Rounds - “Temperature Management in Cardiac Arrest”

Research Hot Topics: Anna Fetter, PhD, EdM & Joseph Winger, PhD

Research Hot Topics

Organ demonstrations at Duke Chapel

Organ Demonstration

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
A sea of white tulips in a garden in the foreground and a wooden pergola in the background, with a blue Duke Gardens logo at top.

Meet the Keepers

Sponsor(s): Sarah P. Duke Gardens
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Dollars to Donuts

Image of three popsicles and description of the event.

Popsicle Social

Le Well logo

Galanos G-Brief for DPT & OTD students

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Political Theory Workshop: Eric McGilvray (Ohio State)

Sponsor(s): Political Science
Duke Chapel bell tower

Carillon Weekday Recital

Sponsor(s): Duke Chapel
Center for Documentary Studies, Lyndhurst House

Critical Generative AI with a Photographic Lens

More Events (100 of 3522)