Crossing the Geopolitical Divide: Routes for Foreign Intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Join the Alexander Hamilton Society for its final event of the year, "Crossing the Geopolitical Divide: Routes for Foreign Intervention in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict". The Israeli-Palestinian conflict has endured since the mid-20th century. Steeped in cultural and religious ties to the Holy Land, both nations have sought land claims to the West Bank and Gaza Strip. While Israel has occupied the area for 51 years, borders wars continue. Both the Israeli Government and the Palestine Liberation Organization have engaged in negotiations under the leadership of Benjamin Netanyahu and Mahmoud Abbas respectively. But what is the role of foreign actors? While unable to provide lasting peace solutions in the past, can other nations play a benign role? How does the recent declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel affect Middle East policy? Steven David, Professor of International Relations at Johns Hopkins University and Miriam Cooke, Braxton Craven Professor of Arab Cultures at Duke University will share their insights. Free food and drink provided.