Duke Physics Colloquium: Why Accelerators Matter - from Maria-Goeppert-Mayer to Future Colliders
"Why Accelerators Matter - from Maria-Goeppert-Mayer to Future Colliders"
Maria Goeppert-Mayer spent her career thinking about the lifetimes of things: nuclei, elements, atoms, isotopes. She used data taken with a cyclotron in order to discover the nuclear shell model. Since then particle accelerators have come a long way. Many of the big discoveries in the 20th century involved one kind of accelerator of another. Presently we are sitting at the highest center of mass energy collider of all time, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, ringing in at 13 TeV. A number of key advances in accelerator physics were involved. At the LHC we are interested in the lifetimes of particles, potentially new particles not described by the Standard Model. And we are designing the colliders of the future.
Faculty host: Ayana Arce
Coffee and cookies will be available before the event in Physics room 130.