FIP Seminar: New advances in nanophotonics: the high refractive index dielectric materials

High Refractive Index Dielectric (HRID) materials when nanomanufactured, have shown to be an alternative to metals for different applications in Nanophotonics [1-3]. This is mainly due to their lack of resistive losses. In this talk, we will introduce how nanostructures made of HRID materials scatter light and their peculiar scattering properties because of the coherent interaction between the excited electric and magnetic dipolar [1] or higher order modes [4]. We will show how heterogeneous combinations of HRDI-metal in form of nanoshells can help to control the scattering directionality [5]. Also, switching effects with HRID dimers will be analyzed and presented [6]. As it will be reviewed, these results open new technological challenges from nano and micro-photonics to science and engineering of antennas, metamaterials and electromagnetic devices. Fernando Moreno is Professor of Optics at the University of Cantabria since 1993. Heads the Department of Applied Physics since 2011. Current research topics: Light Scattering and Nano-Optics (Plasmonics). Guest researcher at the Royal Signals and Radar Establishment (UK, 1990) and visiting professor at the Dept. of Physics at the UC San Diego (USA, 1996). He has published over 160 articles and has presented numerous communications to national/international conferences, where he has participated either as a speaker (more than 20 invited) or as organizer.