Ecological Cosmologies: Epic Stories and Great Work
Journey of the Universe: An Evolutionary Cosmology
Journey of the Universe narrates a 14 billion year story of universe unfolding, from the origin moment to planetary life. This is one telling of an epic story intended to inspire both awe and action through fusing the sciences and the humanities. Such an evolutionary cosmology encourages rethinking how humans are part of a macro scale universe, even as it promotes local practices creating biodiverse cultures, economies, and politics on the micro scale.
Discussion with executive producers Mary Evelyn Tucker and John Grim, Yale University
Embrace: An Ecological Cosmology
This documentary presents the complex reciprocal saturation of human communities, gods, Buddha Dharma, and natural landscape marked with religious and cosmological significance. Through the narratives of a father and a son, this film illustrates both the transcendental and inter-sentient dimensions of Tibetan sacred sites and of their ecological significance. It documents a ritualized relationship of people and the place of their dwelling and natural surroundings. The juxtaposition of the cinematic narratives of the father and the son brings the audience a new sublime height of eco-spiritual reflections on the present and future states of our Planet Earth.
Discussion with executive producer, Dan Smyer Yu, Yunnan Minzu University