PeiJu Chien-Pott, Guest Instructor, Intermediate Modern Dance Class
Open intermediate level dance class! PeiJu Chien-Pott is an internationally acclaimed contemporary dance artist, celebrated particularly for her work as a Principal Dancer for the Martha Graham Dance Company. Described as "the most dramatically daring and physically chameleon-esque Graham dancer of her generation", Ms. Chien-Pott has interpreted the iconic roles of Martha Graham's repertoire including Ekstasis, Chronicle, Cave of the Heart, Clytemnestra, Night Journey, Errand into the Maze, Rite of Spring, Lamentation, Primitive Mysteries and others. Sought out by choreographers worldwide, she has created acclaimed lead roles in works by Mats Ek, Nacho Duato, and Andonis Foniadakis among many other significant artists. She is currently in residency at Duke working with Associate Professor and choreographer Michael Kliën on a solo.