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Learning Innovation/Durham EdTech Co-working Space Info Session

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Monday, December 03, 2018
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Rob Urstein, Marty Evans & Matthew Rascoff

Entangled Ventures, an education innovation studio based in San Francisco, is launching a new venture called Embark. Embark partners with colleges and universities to develop and operate sector-focused incubators and coworking spaces on their campuses, attracting the best individuals and startups, and building great ecosystems that help institutions become both education and economic engines in their communities. Entangled is joining Duke Learning Innovation to create an Embark space in Durham focusing on digital education and transformation, including commercial edtech, and social ventures and non-profit projects that advance this mission, along with the missions of both Duke and Entangled.
Please join Rob Urstein and Marty Evans, co-founders of Embark, and Matthew Rascoff, Associate Vice Provost, Digital Education and Innovation at Duke, for an interactive session to learn more about the Embark@Duke project and to help imagine what a physical epicenter for the future of education innovation might look like in the Triangle.
Please RSVP- we will serve food and your RSVP will help us order the right amount.
About Entangled:
The education ecosystem is not keeping pace as society transitions from an industrial to knowledge economy and too many have been left behind. Ecosystem change requires an ecosystem approach that leans on the capabilities of universities, entrepreneurs, companies and the government, working across boundaries to harvest insights and to rapidly distribu

Contact: Patricia Pawlak