Irma Elo- University of Pennsylvania

Sponsor(s): Duke Population Research Institute (DuPRI)
TITLE: Immigration and Longevity in the United States
ABSTRACT: In 1960, the foreign-born population made up about 5% of the US population. By 2015, this number had increased to over 40 million and the foreign-born made up about 13% of the US population. As a result, the health and mortality of the foreign-born carry an increasing weight in estimates of health and mortality at the national, regional and local levels and among the racial/ethnic population subgroups. This presentation reviews evidence of the mortality levels of the foreign born, with examples of their contribution to health and mortality in the United States.
This talk is Co-Sponsored by the Center for Biobehavioral Health Disparities Research (CBHDR) #5716
Contact: Tyson Brown