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SSRI~ Workshop: Introduction to SAS Session 2: Data Analysis

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Thursday, November 16, 2017
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Lorrie Schmid

This workshop offers an overview of the SAS programming language, focusing on data management activities. Session 1 includes a general overview of major SAS components (Program Editor, Log and Output) and the core concepts of SAS programming (DATA and PROC steps). It focuses on the process of importing and modifying data, including issues of importing/exporting data from other file formats, merging and concatenating data sets, and adding to or subsettting from datasets. Key SAS statements described include: PROC IMPORT, SET, MERGE, IF-THEN, and WHERE. Session 2 focuses on data analysis, including variable creation/recoding and descriptive analyses typically used in data management. Key SAS statements described include: PROC CONTENTS, PROC MEANS, and PROC FREQ. Together, these two sessions allow researchers to learn basic data management processes using the SAS statistical system. Registration required; please click the "more event information" button below to access the registration form.

Contact: Alexandra Cooper