Duke Physics Colloquium: Cosmic Surveys in the Next Decade: Mapping the Landscape of the Universe
"Cosmic Surveys in the Next Decade: Mapping the Landscape of the Universe" - Cosmology in the next decade will be driven by data. Exploiting the information one can extract from the ongoing and upcoming large surveys will give us the power to stress-test the LCDM model with unprecedented precision and open up windows for new physics. In this talk I will present some of our work in the Dark Energy Survey Collaboration and the Large Synoptics Survey Telescope Dark Energy Science Collaboration, to analyse state-of-the-art galaxy survey data as well as getting ready for the next generation of data. I will focus on topics surrounding weak lensing analyses, including cosmology from 2-point functions, generating weak lensing mass maps, and measuring the mass profiles at the outskirts of galaxy clusters. | Faculty Host: Chris Walter | Refreshments will be served before the event in room 128.