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Panel Discussion / inTransit: Migration Around Europe

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Thursday, February 01, 2018
5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Please join us for a panel discussion exploring migration around Europe, through art and art history. Presenters include James Amelang (UA, Madrid), Michael Gerli (UVA), Pierre-Oliver Dittmar (EHESS, Paris), Laura Weigert (Rutgers), Guggenheim curator Sara Raza (Middle Eastern & North African art), and artists Barthélémy Toguo (Bandjoun Station, Cameroon) and Duke's own Raquel Salvatella de Prada. This panel is in preparation for the Fall 2016 Incubator exhibition, "In Transit: Arts & Migration Around Europe."

inTransit, an interactive two-day workshop bringing together cultural and art historians, artists and a curator to explore the history of migration in Europe. InTransit most notably focuses on the expulsions and forced movement of peoples in early modern Spain and France, today's Maghreb and West Africa. Through guest presentations and panel and general discussions, we will address the artistic expressions and engagements accounting for migrants' uprooting experiences, how we can interpret them when we listen to the past to understand the present, and the present to imagine the past.

The panel discussion (Thursday, Feb. 1) and workshop (Friday, Feb. 2) are open to the general public.

inTransit Sponsored by Vice-Provost for the Arts, Trent Foundation

Contact: Wendy Hower