Ciompi Quartet Presents: "Then I Knew 'Twas Wind": Music for Flute, Viola, and Harp

Sponsor(s): Music
Cost: $25 General Public; $20 Non-Duke Students/Duke Employees; $10 Youth/Duke students
Jonathan Bagg (viola) will bring a fervent expectancy into the performance hall where he will again engage the audience in the modern chamber music landscape featuring refreshing lyrical works. Guest artists Laura Gilbert (flute) and Stacey Shames (harp) will join this adventure. PROGRAM: Harald Genzmer: Trio; Toru Takemitsu: And Then I Knew Twas Wind; Charles Koechlin: Epitaphe de Jean Harlow; Christopher Weiss: New Hampshire Sketches; Mieczyslaw Weinberg: Trio for flute, viola, and piano
Contact: Elizabeth Thompson