Chamber Music Concert

Sponsor(s): Music
Cost: Free
Advanced students in the Duke Music Department's chamber music program perform works from the 18th-21st centuries. Student chamber music groups are coached by members of the Ciompi Quartet and other Duke Music faculty. This concert's program includes excerpts or movements from: Beethoven: Quartet in F Major, Op. 59 #1 and Quartet Op. 74 "The Harp;" Dohnányi: Serenade Op. 10 for string trio; Kurtág: Signs, Games and Messages; Ravel: Pièce en forme de Habanera; Piazzolla: Libertango and The Four Seasons; Dvorák: Cypresses; Tchaikovsky: Piano Trio in A Minor, Op. 50; and the Duke University Saxophone Quartet.
Contact: Elizabeth Thompson