Advances in infectious diseases: Bridging molecular pathogenesis, immunity, and global health

Advances in infectious diseases: Bridging molecular pathogenesis, immunity, and global health
Dates: April 8-9, 2019
Venue: Trent Semans Great Hall
Keynote speakers: Dean of Duke University School of Medicine, Mary Klotman, MD and Director of Duke Global Health, Christopher Plowe, MD, MPH
The aim of this two-day symposium (April 8-9, 2019) is to bring together investigators from Duke University, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, and various institutes in the Research Triangle to share their work, exchange ideas and identify collaborations in tackling infectious diseases. The symposium will cover both basic and applied research relevant to infectious diseases. It is envisaged that bringing together investigators from two sides of the world will lead to broad ranging discussions on molecular biology, pathogenesis, evolution and transmission of pathogens, leading to development of novel diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines that effectively tackle this global problem.