CEE Seminar: Modeling Influence of Upstream Wastewater Discharges on Drinking Water Treatment Facilities -National Trends in Wastewater reuse (Intentional and Unplanned Reuse)
A National Research Council report lists quantifying the extent of de facto (or unplanned) potable reuse in the U.S. as the top research need associated with assessing the potential for expanding the nations water supply through reuse of municipal wastewater. Efforts to identify the significance and potential health impacts of de facto water reuse are impeded by out dated information regarding the contribution of municipal wastewater effluent to potable water supplies. We have developed geospatial models of the entire USA that include every wastewater treatment plant, river, and surface water intake for drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs), along with key design information on the treatment plants and population served.....
Meeting ID: 972 8321 6160
Passcode: 274932