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Industry Roundtable: Lin Wang ('04 MS ECE), Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies Co-Founder, CEO, & President

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Friday, April 06, 2018
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join this industry roundtable to learn from and engage with Lin Wang, '04 MS ECE. Lin also has a degree in management from Harvard University and is Co-Founder, CEO, and President of Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies. This is a great opportunity to take part in a small part discussion, learning from a local entrepreneur with a global perspective.

Limited to 20 students.

Lin Wang
Co-Founder, CEO & President
Ascent Bio-Nano Technologies, Inc.

* Ascent Bio-Nano develops innovative medical devices and research tools to accelerate the impact research makes to the society. Our Motto: Innovation for Impact!
* Awarded and negotiated over $4MM SBIR grant and development funding from NSF, NIH and industry partners for product development.
* Worked with multiple industry partners to develop prototypes for various applications.
* Developed business plan to commercialize patented technologies from Penn State University.
* Managed overall company operations including product development, funding application, collaboration with strategic partners, etc.
* National Science Foundation SBIR Phase II commercial panel reviewer
* Over 10 years business experience from Fortune 100 companies

Master of Electrical Engineering, Duke University
Master of Management with honors, Harvard University
Bachelor of Economics, Electrical

Contact: Cameo Hartz