Condensed Matter Seminar: "Tailoring the dynamics of isolated and open quantum systems"

Tailoring the far from equilibrium dynamics of quantum matter is an open problem at the frontiers of physics. Yet, it is also a necessity for the development of quantum science and technology.
Conventional adiabatic protocols are ubiquitously exploited for the manipulation and control of quantum matter in a wide variety of fields. They require however long evolution times and are thus prone to noise and decoherence errors. Shortcuts to adiabaticity provide an alternative control paradigm, free from the requirement of slow driving. We shall review progress in the development of shortcuts to control complex systems, and choose a unitary Fermi gas as a paradigmatic example with strong interactions.
Moving to open systems, we shall discuss a scheme for the quantum simulation pf many-body decoherence using classical noise as a resource. The resulting dynamics is of relevance to a variety of applications ranging from adiabatic quantum computation to quantum metrology.