USPTO China IP Roadshow

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office's China Intellectual Property (IP) Road Show is a free, one-day program that brings together experts from the U.S. government, academics, IP attorneys, and local business people to share their insights on China and IP issues that will benefit U.S. IP right holders. It includes key participation from the USPTO's China Team, a group of China IP experts who work nationwide to help U.S. businesses and inventors understand how to obtain and enforce IP rights in China.
Speakers at the road shows include IP attorneys with decades experience in helping US companies protect and enforce their IP rights in China. The Road Shows have also enjoyed excellent support from Congressional members as well including Representative John Culberson in the Houston area who spoke at the China IP Road Show in Houston and the Honorable Danny Davis representing the Seventh Congressional District in Chicago who spoke at the Chicago Road Show. Other notable speakers include several federal judges with knowledge and experience in presiding over IP cases involving Chinese companies. Each road show also features a panel discussion focusing on local business interests with representatives from local and regional companies who provide their experience on protecting/enforcing their IP rights in China.