The Institutional Life of Intersectionality, or Notes on Feminist Fatigue

Sponsor(s): Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies
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Jennifer C. Nash is Associate Professor of African American Studies and Gender & Sexuality Studies at Northwestern University. She is the author of The Black Body in Ecstasy: Reading Race, Reading Pornography (Duke U Press, 2014) and Black Feminism Reimagined: After Intersectionality (Duke U Press, 2019), and the editor of Gender: Love (MacMillan, 2016). Her work has been published in journals including Signs, American Quarterly, Feminist Theory, Feminist Studies, GLQ, and differences. She is currently working on a manuscript entitled Black Maternal Politics. During the 2019-2020 year, she will be an ACLS/Burkhardt fellow at Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.
Contact: Julie Wynmor