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Population Health 2.0 - The Next Frontier

Hayden Bosworth, PhD
Thursday, April 25, 2019
3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Hayden Bosworth, PhD
Department of Population Health Sciences Research Seminar

Dr. Bosworth will discuss:

1. Why is there a need for population health sciences
2. Predictive analytics
- Population health sciences versus precision medicine
- Role of data and Patient Reported Outcomes
3. Segmentation and trials
4. Use of Patient Reported Outcomes to inform interventions
5. Example of two recently funded projects
- VA Abilify MyCite Clinical Trial
6. The future
- De-implementation
- Role of Implementation Science

Dr. Hayden Bosworth's interests include clinical research that provides knowledge for improving patients' treatment adherence and self-management in chronic care, translation research to improve access to quality of care, and eliminating health care disparities. Dr. Bosworth is the recipient of an American Heart Association established investigator award, the 2013 VA Undersecretary Award for Outstanding Achievement in Health Services Research, and a VA Senior Career Scientist Award.

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The Population Health Sciences Research Seminar Series is a presentation of our faculty's recent and ongoing research.