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Adult Forum (Westbrook Building): The Right Posture for Holy Relationships through Cultural Humility

Adult Forum
Sunday, December 01, 2019
9:45 am - 10:45 am
The Rev. Ismael Ruiz-Millan, director of the Hispanic House of Studies, Global Education, and Intercultural Formation at Duke Divinity School, and guest preacher in Duke Chapel
Sunday morning Christian education

The political environment as well as the rhetoric and acts of hate in our society makes it difficult for any person to engage in authentic ways with our community. We are so cautious that we prevent ourselves from meaningful and holy friendships - we prevent ourselves from being a good neighbor. Ecclesial spaces are not the exception, we are often very careful of not having "the wrong people" in our pews, that instead of becoming exemplars of holy relationships, we often become exclusive spaces. In this class, by taking a close look to the principles of cultural humility, participants will learn about the posture needed in order to be a good neighbor that fosters holy relationships.

With a variety of guest speakers, the Adult Forum offers presentations and discussions on a wide range of topics. The thought-provoking topics include Biblical studies, current social issues, and the work of mission agencies. All presentations are open to the public.