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Make Your Own Soap

Tuesday, November 19, 2019
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Chip Bobbert

Soap... We all use it.
Soap is the most important invention in human history but do you know where it comes from or how it's made? Join us in this fun arts and crafts class where we learn how to make sudsy bars of usefulness. We'll also learn how modern tools like 3D printing and online chemistry calculators can improve on this age-old process. This is a get-your-hands-dirty...err clean...class! Participants will have their very own bars at the end of the two sessions workshop.

We will provide 1 soap making kit per pair of students, all the gear to get you started and a few varieties of fragrances and dyes.
If you would like a specific scent for your soap, feel free to bring your own essential oils.