RWD Fitness-For-Use Assessments: Current Efforts and Future Work
Dr. Marsolo will describe the current practices for assessing data quality and dataset suitability within the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network (PCORnet), a large distributed research network that leverages electronic health records (EHR) and administrative claims for observational and comparative effectiveness research. He will present results from the network and ongoing efforts to develop more standardized, automated processes for assessing dataset fitness for PCORnet and beyond.
Drs. Emily O'Brien and Brad Hammill will be discussants.
About Our Speaker
Keith Marsolo, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences. Previously, he was faculty in the Division of Biomedical Informatics at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center. His research focuses on infrastructure to support the use of EHRs and other real-world data sources in observational and comparative effectiveness research, and standards and architectures for multi-center learning health systems. Dr. Marsolo is a co-investigator in the Distributed Research Network Operations Center for PCORnet, where he serves as a faculty lead for activities related to the PCORnet Common Data Model and data curation (quality assessment).
Dr. Marsolo received his PhD in Computer Science from The Ohio State University.
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