Fluid Black :: Dance Back

The Collegium for African Diaspora Dance (CADD) fourth bi-annual conference aims to provoke enlivened discussions on the power and politics of global Black Dance by bringing together scholars, practitioners, educators, and other stakeholders for three days of intellectual and artistic inspiration in Durham.
Our 2020 conference theme, Fluid Black::Dance Back seeks to center African diaspora dance as a resource and method of creative and aesthetic possibility in pursuit of the following lines of inquiry:
How do dance and movement practices across the African diaspora create space for fluidity in gender, race, sexuality, ability, and other markers of identity?
How does race, gender, class and sexuality inform African diaspora dance communities, broadly defined?
What kinds of resistant practices does Black Dance offer to combat gendered and raced based discrimination, violence and brutality?
In what ways does Black Dance engender mobility on and off the dance floor or concert stage?
How does African diaspora dance help us to queer pedagogical pathways for dance in higher education?
How does Black Dance render Blackness visible in the absence of Black bodies?