Lecture on 'Biblical Interpretation of The Saint John's Bible' by Fr. Michael Patella

Duke Initiatives for Theology and the Arts (DITA) will hold a special lecture by Fr. Michael Patella, OSB, on the "Biblical Interpretation of The Saint John's Bible."
Registration is not required for the lecture, which is part of an exhibition on The Saint John's Bible that is on display in Duke Chapel from Jan. 17 to March 8. Sponsored by DITA, the exhibition is free and open to the public during the chapel's regular operating hours.
A Benedictine monk of Saint John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minn., Patella is a professor of New Testament and teaches in both the undergraduate theology department and the graduate School of Theology at Saint John's University, where he serves as seminary rector and the director of the graduate school's Holy Land Studies Program.
Please join us for a panel discussion later in the evening:
Title: Sacred Illuminations: The Saint John's Bible and Duke's Medieval Texts
Participants: Fr. Michael Patella (St. John's College), Dr. Dorothy Verkerk (UNC), and Jonathan Homrighausen (Duke)
Location: : Rubenstein 153 (Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room)
Date/Time: February 11 at 7PM