Data Dialogue with Josh Starmer, StatQuest: The Elements of StatQuest: How to clearly explain complex topics
![Data Dialogue Data Dialogue](/images/2020/20200410/ec65422308fd3c8b70bb3b835fa87e56-CR-data-dialog_ev-cal_20200305124900PM.png)
Sponsor(s): Information Initiative at Duke (iiD), +DataScience (+DS), Bass Connections-Information, Society & Culture, Biomedical Engineering (BME), Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (CBB), Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Energy Initiative, Information Science + Studies (ISS), Mathematics, Pratt School of Engineering, Social Science Research Institute (SSRI), and Statistical Science
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Six years ago I published my first video on YouTube. Two people watched it. Today, my videos on statistics and machine learning have been watched over 10 million times. Viewers claim the videos helped them win data science contests, pass college and graduate school exams and obtain jobs. In this seminar, I'll give a brief history of my YouTube channel as well as reveal the secrets to its success. We'll talk about how to research new topics, how to break them into small, easily understood pieces and how to present the pieces in such a way that they are clearly understood.
Contact: Ariel Dawn