Education Rebound for all During and After COVID-19: Charting the Way Forward

The impact of COVID-19 on education is tangibly felt across the globe, with school closures, disparities in access to remote education, disruption to free meal and vaccine programs, risk of increased dropout rates, and more. How can we ensure an accelerated recovery that doesn't widen educational attainment -and related power- gaps between the rich and the poor, between boys and girls, and between the Global North and the Global South? Join us for a talk with experts Helen Abadzi (UT Arlington), Elin Martínez (Human Rights Watch), and Gustavo Payan (DAI/ INEE); moderated by Maya Alkateb-Chami (Columbia). For instructions on accessing the event through Zoom, visit Sponsored by Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic, and others. For more information, contact Balfour Smith at