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Converting a CV to a Resume Workshop for Graduate Students and Postdocs [Registration required]

Non-academic employers typically request that applicants provide a focused 1-2 page resume instead of a more exhaustive CV. What are the essential accomplishments to include in a resume? How do you identify the relevant qualifications that highlight the best of what you have to offer? In this workshop you'll learn how to convert your CV into a focused, tailored resume that creates a compelling depiction of your significant skills and experiences. You'll discover the differences between a resume and CV while gaining knowledge about how to demonstrate a strong professional presence.

*Graduate students register by clicking More Information below. I understand that by registering for this event, I am saving a space for myself, and perhaps, preventing other students from registering. I will cancel my registration for this event if I am unable to attend.

*Postdocs may attend the event without registering.

Contact: Career Center