On Trans Asociality

Insofar as it names a social category defined by a contestation of overdetermination from the outside, trans has long been marked by a certain measure of trouble with the social, which, in turn, gets trans in trouble. But, rather than trying to make trans properly extroverted, this talk takes an interest in the forms of sociality to be found in withdrawal. Framed by the life and writing of Michael Dillon, I excavate an enduring, lyric model of trans subjectivity that recognizes the importance of asociality to the development of trans thought.
A poet and critic, Cameron Awkward-Rich is the author of the poetry collection Sympathetic Little Monster (2016) and has published articles in Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society and Science Fiction Studies. In 2017, he received his PhD from Stanford University's program in Modern Thought and Literature and he is currently a postdoctoral associate in Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies at Duke University.