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TNT Colloquium: Color superfluidity of neutral ultracold fermions in the presence of color-orbit and color-flip fields[NCSU]

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Tuesday, March 27, 2018
3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Carlos Sa De Melo (Georgia Tech)
Triangle Nuclear Theory Colloquium

I describe the emergence of color superfluid phases for systems of ultra-cold atoms with artificial color-orbit and color-flip fields for three-component (Red-Green-Blue) Fermi systems. For fermions interacting only in the s-wave channel, I describe the phase diagrams of color-flip fields versus interaction parameter for fixed color-orbit coupling. Various topological phases are encountered, where the quasiparticle excitation spectrum possesses nodal structures induced by the presence of color-orbit coupling. The order parameter tensor develops momentum dependent non-zero matrix elements in the singlet, triplet and quintet sectors. An unusual topological multicritical point arises, where several gapless phases converge. This point can be reached by tunning color-flip fields and interaction parameter. Finally, I discuss potential experiments to observe these phases in Fermi isotopes of Lithium, Potassium and Ytterbium.

Contact: Jennifer Solis