Reporting Back Research Results
Description: Reporting back environmental health research results to study participants or impacted communities has been an evolving topic with different perspectives. Prior to the 21st century, it was uncommon to report results from exposure studies due to the ethical concerns of reporting back information without clear health guidelines. However, recently several national organizations, including the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), have highlighted the importance of Reporting Back Research Results (RBRR). There are recognized challenges in returning research results. As such, there is a need for research to inform community engagement, guidelines, and additional educational resources for effective communication of research results to not only individual participants and impacted communities but also Public Health Departments, health care providers, and policymakers. This seminar will give a brief overview of the ethical concerns of returning individual and community-level exposure assessment results and current best practices and science communication strategies for returning results.
This seminar will be held in Field Auditorium (room 1112), Grainger Hall.
Visit the seminar website for Zoom registration info to tune in virtually.
Both attendance options (in person and virtual) are free and open to all.
Note: The speaker will present remotely via Zoom.