Stephen Jaffe's “Tableaux” and Other New Works with Lisa Emenheiser, Piano and Guest Artists
Sponsor(s): Music
This performance features the superlative pianist Lisa Emenheiser, who introduced "Tableaux" at the Hirshhorn Museum in February 2023, and Duke faculty members Eric Pritchard and Gabriel Richard's violin offerings of "From a Notebook for Violins, Book I."
During his more than forty years of teaching at Duke, Composer Stephen Jaffe has become well-known among area audiences. This afternoon's program features the area premiere of Jaffe's major piano work, "Tableaux," as well as two premieres: "Sea Light-Two Bagatelles" for piano and "From a Notebook for Violins, Book I."
To learn more about "Tableaux", please visit Stephen Jaffe, Composer, and click on "Blog."
Admission is free - No need to purchase tickets to attend.
Contact: Stephen Jaffe