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Duke Jewish Alumni Network Virtual Book Club: “Food, Hope & Resilience: Authentic Recipes and Remarkable Stories from Holocaust Survivors” by June Hersh

Duke Jewish Alumni Network Bookclub Promo
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Duke Jewish Alumni Network Virtual Book Club

The Duke Jewish Alumni Network (DJAN) is partnering with the Jewish Book Council to bring notable books, discussions, and author conversations to alumni and friends!

The DJAN Book Club, supported by Jewish Life at Duke, Duke Lifelong Learning, and Duke Libraries, offers an opportunity for alumni, parents, and friends to read six books during the 2024-2025 academic year.

Join our virtual book club sessions, where alumni and Duke faculty/staff will lead thoughtful conversations about each book. And - thanks to the Jewish Book Council - many of these conversations will feature the authors themselves!

Read one - or all - of the books, according to your interest or schedule. All discussions take place virtually from 7:00-8:00pm ET.

All Duke alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students, and friends are welcome, regardless of religious/cultural identity.

Sign up at
About the Book

"This vital collection of survivor stories uplifts and inspires alongside recipes that nourish your soul. Read about daring partisans who fought in the woods, hidden children who sought comfort from strangers and those who endured unimaginable internment. For Holocaust survivors, food was a way to connect their lives before the war with the homes they created after. Their kitchens were filled with the aromas of familiar foods like chicken soup and brisket, while unfamiliar delights they adopted, like arroz con pollo and gnocchi, became part of their repertoire. These are the recipes they share with you. Culinary icons such as Michael Solomonov, Jonathan Waxman, Ina Garten and more contribute their own recipes as tribute to the remarkable survivor community. Author June Hersh gives readers a taste of history and a life-affirming message that honors the legacy of Holocaust survivors."

About the Author

June Hersh is a five-time pub­lished author, with four cook­books and one Holo­caust pho­tog­ra­phy book. She focus­es on food his­to­ry, main­ly the con­nec­tion between Jew­ish expe­ri­ences and food mem­o­ry. June's books are writ­ten with a char­i­ta­ble fla­vor, as her pro­ceeds ben­e­fit not-for-prof­it Jew­ish-relat­ed orga­ni­za­tions. She has been fea­tured on radio, TV, in print, and hun­dreds of book talks relat­ed to her work.

Discussion Facilitator

Laurene Sperling T'78, Trustee, Duke University Board of Trustees