15Th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium
Department of Romance Studies 15th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium - 2025
Old Worlds, New Worlds, Future Worlds
Friday, March 21, 2025
Holsti-Anderson, Rm 153 Rubenstein Library
9:00 - 9:25 Pastries & Coffee Buffet
9:25 - 9:30 Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Mattia Begali, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Romance Studies
9:30 - 10:15 Expanding Feminist Horizons: Literary, Scientific, and Postcolonial Dialogues
Moderator: Deborah Jenson
Respondents: Eric Disbro & Anna-Paden Carson
Isaiah Williams
The Reintegration of Italo Svevo's Novels into the Feminist Movement
Katherine Wiest
Science, Myth, and Early Modern Women: Gendered Narratives and Their Lasting Impact on Women in Science
Emerson Wiseman
Feminism, Complicity, and the Colonial Machinery: The Narrative of Laura Lebrun in Island of Shattered Dreams
10:15 - 11:00 Negotiating Space: Exile, Performance, and National Identity
Moderator: José María Rodriguez García
Respondents: Helen Solterer & Abby Shepherd
Halle Wagner
Framing Exile and Belonging: A Comparative Study of Legal and Literary Representations in the Chagossian Struggle for Justice
Kayla Lihardo
Methodologies in Artistic Research: Critical Distance and its Embodiment in Performance Art
Leila Zak
Who Owns Our Future? Agency, Modernity, and Control in Galdós' Spain
11:00 - 11:15 Break
11:15 - 12:00 Crossing Boundaries: Global Health, Neuroscience, and Aesthetics
Moderator: Anne-Gaëlle Saliot
Respondents: Esther Gabara & Daria Kozhanova
Rowan Haffner
Convulsions of Creativity: The Neurocognitive Influence of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy on Flaubert's Literary Aesthetic
Ryan Hardwick
Narrative Medicine: Utilizing Gustave Flaubert's Writings to Inform Medical Education in Neurology
Mya Harris
Entèseksyon Sante Mantal ak Swen Sante an Ayiti: Yon View Istorik sou Kriz, Enfrastrikti, ak Dwa Moun. The Intersection of Mental Health and Healthcare in Haiti: A Historical View of Crisis, Infrastructure, and Human Rights
12:00 - 12:05 Closing Remarks
Mattia Begali, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Romance Studies
12:05 - 1:00 Lunch Buffet Bouquet Garni