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Ashon Crawley: Agnosticostal

A man using a tamborine to paint on canvas
Wednesday, April 02, 2025
7:30 pm - 8:45 pm

AGNOSTICOSTAL is a performance lecture in which Ashon Crawley practices the breath, the gestures, the spiritual seriousness of Black folks, of Blackpentestalism, of Black social life. "Shouting," a choreography of praise and worship in the Blackpentecostal tradition, will be immortalized on canvas as Crawley paints with pigment powder, acrylic paint, and ink using hand clapping, foot stomping, a tambourine, and movement of the body to visualize the intensity and fervor of spiritual practices. With a live soundtrack provided by the sounds of the Hammond B-3 organ, played by Charles "Chuddy" Smith, vocals by Ashley Howard and the downbeat by drummer Rodney "Rod" Jones, Crawley will engage a devotional practice of praise and worship live for, and with, an audience.

This is the third and final public event of the 2024-25 Keohane Professorship with interdisciplinary artist and scholar Ashon Crawley.

Contact: Yesenia Yanez