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FHI | "Navigating the Archive: Stuart Hall and the Fateful Triangle"

In this lecture, Nick Beech will discuss the papers deposited at the Cadbury Research Library, University of Birmingham, for the Stuart Hall Archive Project (Hall's, the CCCS, and the other students and staff who deposited material at the Cadbury Research Library). He will reflect on Hall's use of the 'triangular trade' as a means of making sense of migration to Britain from the Caribbean and the confrontation with English culture and deep structures of racism for the first generation (his own), and second and third generations - a motif he mobilises in early speeches found in other archives, and most famously in his W.E.B. Du Bois lectures.

This lecture will also be accompanied by a panel of former Duke graduate fellows for the Stuart Hall Archive Project. The Stuart Hall Archive Project is a major multi-disciplinary research project that will expand public understanding and engagement with the work of the celebrated cultural theorist, Professor Stuart Hall.

Contact: FHI