Memento Mori: The Art and Craft of Contemplating Death to Live a Better Life

Please join us for our next Trent History of Medicine Lecture Series. Joanna Ebenstein will present Memento Mori: The Art and Craft of Contemplating Death to Live a Better Life. Joanna Ebenstein is a Mexico-based author, photographer, curator and designer. She is the founder and creative director of Morbid Anatomy, an organization that has been exploring the interstices of art and medicine, death and culture, since 2007. We are also excited to host Mary Trent Jones and Rebecca Trent Kirkland. They will share their experiences and recollections of growing up with the Josiah Charles Trent Collection, a remarkable collection of history of medicine materials collected by their father, Dr. Josiah Charles Trent, and their mother, Mary Duke Biddle Trent Semans.