Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Colloquium Welcomes Aaron Koller: “The Failure and Success of the Alphabet”

The Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament Colloquium welcomes Aaron Koller to give a talk on "The Failure and Success of the Alphabet." Dinner at 5:30pm with lecture to follow at 6pm.
Koller is professor of Near Eastern Studies at Yeshiva University, where he studies Semitic languages. He is the author of Unbinding Isaac: The Significance of the Akedah for Modern Jewish Thought (JPS/University of Nebraska Press, 2020) and Esther in Ancient Jewish Thought (Cambridge University Press, 2014), among other books, and the editor of five more. Aaron has served as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and held research fellowships at the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research and the Hartman Institute.
Professor Koller studies the languages and history of the Near East from the Late Bronze Age through rabbinic times. He has written on biblical literature, the history of biblical interpretation, Semitic languages, and Jewish intellectual history. For the past few years he has been working on the history of writing, and of the alphabet in particular.