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Screen/Society--"Event Horizon" (Paul W.S. Anderson, 1997)

(Paul W.S. Anderson, 1997, 96 min, USA/UK, English, DCP)

EVENT HORIZON initially bombed amongst critics and audiences alike, but in time, Anderson's gnarly, unforgettable, sci-fi/horror crossover has grown considerably in reputation. Starring Sam Neill, Laurence Fishburne, and a spaceship that returns from a journey through Hell, Event Horizon offers a fascinating cautionary tale about our inability to let go of the past, a tale enhanced by a cast that brings real depth to what might, on paper, have looked like fairly disposable genre work.

"EVENT HORIZON is surprisingly alive and occasionally poetic in its imagery. Anderson successfully conjures his creepy atmosphere with flash cuts to disturbing violence, minimal use of digital effects, and a Bava-meets-Kubrick production design. Above all, EVENT HORIZON is unnerving." - Patrick Dahl, Screen Slate

Contact: Hank Okazaki