Neurology Research Symposium

Sponsor(s): Department of Neurology
The Duke Neurology Division of Translational Brain Sciences, DCEC, and Duke Neurology Residents present the Fall 2024 Research Symposium on Thursday, September 5 from 5:30-8pm, in the Trent Semans Great Hall.
All clinical, basic, and translational researchers in the departments of neurology, neurobiology, neuroscience, and neurosurgery are invited to attend or present a poster.
A feature presentation will be given by Hussein Yassine, MD -- Kenneth and Bette Volk Endowed Chair of Neurology, Professor of Neurology and Department of Physiology and Neuroscience at the University of Southern California.
Poster submissions & RSVPs are now open at
Poster submissions will be accepted until Friday, August 16.
Contact: Maria Perrone