Bird-Friendly Landscapes
Birds can be an indicator of the health and biodiversity of the landscapes around us. Our landscape design and management practices can make a big difference in whether birds decide to ignore or explore our built environments. Join landscape architect and artist Preston Montague for a 3-session online presentation series designed to provide you with tools to increase resources available to birds in landscapes under your care. These presentations have been developed in collaboration with New Hope Audubon.
Presentations will be on consecutive Thursdays from 6-7:30 p.m. Dates & topics are as follows.
Nov. 3: Considerations for Developing Bird-Friendly Habitat - This introduction to building bird habitat in your landscape will include an overview of considerations, tips and tactics for bird-friendly landscapes as defined by New Hope Audubon and the National Audubon Society.
Nov. 10: Designing Bird-Friendly Habitat
- Explore design considerations for developing bird-friendly habitat. Learn design fundamentals drawn from landscape ecology, the Sustainable Sites Initiative and resources from New Hope Audubon.
Nov. 17: Managing Bird-Friendly Habitat
- Learn management considerations for landscapes that improve resources for birds.
Zoom link will be shared in registration confirmation.
Questions? Please email or call 919-668-1707.
Photo by Charles Twine.