Train the Trainer 2: Designing Training
For employees of Duke University and DUHS
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs): 0.6
Please note this is the second session of a three-part series.
Prequisite: T1: Basics of Training
If you have not completed T1: Basics of Training, you can register by clicking T1: Basics of Training
Knowing how to put knowledge, skills and Attitude development into a learning plan for others is a skill in itself. Learning how to communicate the content in a way that everyone can grasp is the first step. Next is how to apply that knowledge to the life experience and knowledge of each learner.
Adults need to make new content their own through reflection and application. It may be easy to lecture on the subject you know best, but to teach someone and have them retain that new knowledge or skill is very much the ART of Learning. This hands-on workshop includes lecture, individual instructional design application activities, skills practice, and guided small and large group discussion to reinforce the learning.