Getting Back to Basics Learning Series: Peer Mentoring and Trouble Shooting

Join us for the 2023 Getting Back to Basics Learning series! Led by Co-directors, Drs. Giselle López, MD, PhD, and Katherine Ramos, PhD, this series of sessions is tailored specifically to the needs of Underrepresented Racial/Ethnic Faculty (UREF) in Basic Science Departments and UREF with a PhD in Clinical Science departments. Come for the topics and learning, stay for the community building and cross-departmental collaboration. Light refreshments will be served.
Join Drs. López and Ramos for a conversation with Dr. Frierson about her Associate Dean role, how she's partnering with faculty to advance EDI in the Basic Science community at Duke, and get to know faculty she represents.
Who should attend? UREF in Basic Science Departments and UREF with a PhD in Clinical Science departments
Questions? Email
Use link below to register