Duke Chorale & SONAM: Mozart Requiem - Music of Loss and Consolation

Sponsor(s): Music
Cost: $10 general admission, Duke students free
Mozart's "Requiem" with orchestra SONAM and soloists Andrea Moore, soprano; Sandra Cotton, mezzo-soprano; Wade Henderson, tenor and Jason McKinney, bass-baritone.
In addition to Mozart's "Requiem," the concert includes:
Antonio Vivaldi: Lauda Jersualem;
Ola Gjeilo: Tundra, conducted by Duke senior Francesca Herrera, president of the Duke Chorale;
Adolphus Hailstork: Motherless Child, conducted by Jada Poteat, a graduate student in conducting at UNC - Greensboro;
Caroline Shaw: To the Hands.
If you are unable to attend this concert, livestream it for free at: https://youtube.com/live/zZLI9UaDMjQ.
Allan Friedman directs the Duke Chorale.
$10 general admission, Duke students free. Tickets available at https://tickets.duke.edu.
Contact: Elizabeth Thompson