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Theology Underground

Theology Underground: Conversations about God, Faith, and Culture
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Daniel Camacho

For this meeting of Theology Underground, students attend the Divinity School worship service in Goodson Chapel in the Westbrook Building. During the service Duke Divinity alumnus Daniel José Camacho will give a talk titled "Injustice and Solidarity: The Regret of Bartolomé de las Casas" as part of the 2023 Sankofa Black Alumni Preaching Series.

To register for a lunchtime conversation following the service, contact the Office of Black Church Studies at

The winner of a Robert B. Silvers Foundation Grant for Work in Progress and an Award of Excellence for Feature Article from Associated Church Press, Camacho's writing has appeared in publications such as The Guardian, Sojourners, The Revealer, The Point, Religion News Service, America Magazine, ABC Religion & Ethics, TIME, and The Washington Post. As an editor, he has expanded the reach and diverse voices of multiple digital publications and recently transitioned to a new role in book publishing. The son of immigrant parents from the Caribbean coast of Colombia, Camacho has a bachelor of arts in philosophy from Calvin University and a master of divinity from Duke Divinity School. He is currently working on a book about Bartolomé de las Casas with Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

Theology Underground is a series of guided conversations about how culture, identity, and race impact the way we live out our faith and beliefs. Each month we will engage with a different cultural community and learn about their unique and creative ways of imagining God and living out their faith. Campus partners across various identities will serve as conversation partners.

Contact: Duke Chapel